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      Committee Vote    Committee Vote    THIRD READING (RCS# 0212)







                             THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE

1st Session of the 59th Legislature of the 1st Session of the 59th Legisla


SENATE BILL 750                 THIRD READING

Montgomery                      [sales tax; providing exemption for sales of

                                certain equipment used in digital asset mining.

                                Effective date.]


      YEAS:   28                                                    RCS#  212

      NAYS:   18                                                   03/09/2023

      EXC :    2                                                     10:45 AM

      N/V :    0                                                            

      VAC :    0                                                            


YEAS:   28


Brooks                Floyd                 Matthews              Seifried             

Bullard               Garvin                Montgomery            Stanley              

Coleman               Haste                 Murdock               Stephens             

Dahm                  Hicks                 Prieto                Thompson, (K)        

Daniels               Jech                  Rader                 Treat                 

Dossett               Kidd                  Rogers                Weaver               

Dugger                Kirt                  Rosino                Young                


NAYS:   18


Alvord                Green                 Newhouse              Pugh                 

Bergstrom             Hamilton              Paxton                Standridge           

Boren                 Howard                Pederson              Stewart              

Burns                 Jett                  Pemberton             Woods                

Gollihare             McCortney                                                        




Hall                  Thompson, (R)                                                    


N/V:    0











                                 THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE


                          1st Regular Session of the 59th Legislature






                SENATE BILL 750                

Montgomery                      Sales tax; providing exemption for sales of

                                certain equipment used in digital asset mining.

                                Effective date.  



      AYES:   18                                                    RCS#   98

      NAYS:    2                                                   03/01/2023

      CP  :    0                                                     04:19 PM

      VAC :    0                                                             


AYES:   18


Brooks            Burns             Dugger            Floyd            

Hall              Haste             Hicks             Howard           

Jech              Kirt              Matthews          Montgomery       

Prieto            Rader             Stephens          Thompson (K)     

Thompson (R)      Woods            


NAYS:    2


Newhouse          Pugh             







Committee Substitute, motion by Senator Montgomery - Adopted (Request No: 1863)








                                 THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE


                          1st Regular Session of the 59th Legislature






SENATE BILL 750                

Montgomery                      Digital asset mining; creating the Commercial

                                Digital Asset Mining Act of 2023; providing sales

                                tax exemption on certain purchases; modifying

                                income tax credit. Effective date.  



      AYES:   10                                                    RCS#   35

      NAYS:    0                                                   02/20/2023

      CP  :    0                                                     03:12 PM

      VAC :    0                                                             


AYES:   10


Daniels           Hicks             Howard            Kirt             

Montgomery        Murdock           Rader             Rosino           

Stanley           Stewart          


NAYS:    0









Committee Substitute, motion by Senator Montgomery - Adopted (Request No: 1863)

Strike the Title, motion by Senator Rader - Adopted




